About Us

![#1UP||EXTRA LIFE [gameMe Stats] #1UP||EXTRA LIFE [gameMe Stats]](https://widgets.gamemonitoring.net/servers/2147936/560x95.png)
This Discord group is meant to bring a new life to the best game in history of mankind, being Day of Infamy. Nothing more.
We'll try our best to organize team games on a regular basis, around once a week or once every two weeks. Might be more than that depending on the player base we'll create.
With an emphasis on PvP events if there is a lack of player we may try coop sessions pick up games as well.
quote from ChrisTX: (server admin)
"Born from fond memories of gaming experiences past during the heyday of Day of Infamy, I have returned to the community and am hosting a bunch of servers once again. I provide two servers, one for a very gritty coop commando experience, and another one for PvP games. It is my intend to create roughly a vanilla experience based on community input and community wishes for the best possible experience."