Inspired by "MGEMod" (short for "My Gaming Edge") for TF2.
The idea is to basically provide a way for dueling against your friends on appropriately scaled maps.
Many of the game modes we offer players consist of: Wild West, Sniperland, Pistols Only,..
Depending on the voting selections via player amount, you can have an Objective Mode, Last Man Standing, or even Team Deathmatch.
Our Server runs several plugins such as: Goobma Stomp (which instant kill the enemy when landing on their head)
Donors can unlock the following:
+ [Donor] tag
+ Colored chat (!color)
+ !trails
(Adds colorful player trails with special effects.)
+ !runcontest
(winner can select nextlevel using !conmap)
+ !donor (select dueling maps on the fly)
+ !level (select nextmap, escape menu call vote to change gametype if needed)
+ !removebots
+ Immunity to AFK/IDLE kick manager!
Server IP & Status.


The community server that NWI should have given since Abandoware mode? No worry we especially setup coop when low population is ON then bring back PvP for special boosted events! Jukebox! (say !votemusic)
Server IP & Status.
Screaming Steel:1914-1918
As a previous player of WW1:Source 1.13b, which was the Source SDK 2007 mod branch. The idea is we provide a 16 slots coop lobby on Screaming Steel then when a threshold of 12 or more players appear the server can switch to Screaming Steel PvP 40 slots. Our server also has a "!snowball" plugin for donators which freeze ennemy colored chat, and so much more without detracting from the original game experience, while also bringing a taste of WW1:Source 2.0 via some ost flashbacks, and etc.

Server IP & Status.
Born to Kill: Vietnam
Even though the developement team progress has been on standby phase for a while now, BTK was apart of the INS branch, and then moved onto DOI in between. We attempted to achieve a form of brutal Coop experience by increasing bot count, and supply point for balance. Donators are able to spawn a helicopter and attack the frontline using machinegun fire. Last but not least, our server has the ability to switch between Coop of 16 player slots, and PvP with 40 slots!
Server IP & Status.